Monitoring of the population of the Chernobyl region of Belarus for radioprotection, by assessment of radionuclides in food and the human organism

 V.B. Nesterenko, A.N. Devoino, I.E. Nesterenko, V.V. Golub, A.V. Vinnnikov, A.A Mukhlaev.

("Health effects of the Chernobyl accident : results of 15-years follow-up studies"       Conference: June 4 - 8, 2001, Kiev, Ukraine.    Abstract published in the  "International journal of radiation medicine"  Special Issue Vol. 3, No. 1-2, 2001)


More than 80% of the load of radionuclides accumulated in the organism of inhabitants of contaminated region of Chernobyl, is taken up with locally produced food. As contaminated alimentary products circulate in the whole country, the area with radiation problems is much larger than the radio-contaminated zone.

Over 320'000 measures of the radio-contamination of food, were performed between 1991 and 2000 by the Institute for Radioprotection, "Belrad", in 370 centers created in small towns and larger villages, in schools, village administrations, or dispensaries.

15-30% of the milk-samples measured by "Belrad", showed cesium137 levels superior to the limits of safety. The Ministry of Health of Belarus found that in 1999, the Cs137 levels were superior to 100 Bq/ kg in 276 villages.

Due to financial reasons, only 83 centres remain active, among them 23 supported by Germany.

The high Cs137 levels in basic alimentary products, are permanently incorporated in the organism of inhabitants in contaminated regions. This represent one of the main sources of health deterioration, especially for children.

Between 1996-2000, "Belrad" investigated 92'000 children of villages in most remote rural areas of Belarus, using seven mobile laboratories with "Human-Health-Radiameters" (HHR), produced in Ukraine. The average contamination of the children was over 15-20 Bq/kg body-weight. In several villages the cesium load was 200-400 Bq/kg, in some communities it reached 1500-2000 Bq/kg or even 4000-7000 Bq/kg.

Anatomo-pathological research performed by Prof. Bandazhevsky showed great differences in the levels of incorporated Cs137, depending on the organ (10 to 30 time higher in given organs, e.g. endocrine glands). In children, levels of 50 Bq/kg bodyweight may cause serious damages to given organs.

Health authorities often underestimate the relevance of the correlation between high levels of incorporated radionuclides and given diseases. This may be due to the fact that individual measurements of the Cs137 load are too rarely performed during clinical examination.

For five years, the Ministry of Health received all data collected by "Belrad" with HHR in contaminated areas.

Repeated measures with HHR also allow to assess the efficiency of a food additive, pectine, which reduces the Cs137 load in the children's organism.

HHR is the tool of choice for assessing the efficacy of radioprotective measures.


Adress of the Authors :

 Institute for Radioprotection "Belrad"

V. Khorushei 31a, 220002 Minsk, Belarus

Published in :  International Journal of Radiation Medicine 2001, 3 (1-2) p.93